4D Shipping SDK - Release Notes

MAJOR RELEASE!!! - Build 8909 (version 20.3.8909) - May 23, 2024

  • FedEx - WebServices / XML APIs deprecated.
  • FedEx - Support for the REST API / OAuth authentication added.
  • FedEx - DropoffType property replaced with PickUpType property.
  • FedEx - CancelShipment() and CancelPackage() methods only accept tracking number as parameter now.
  • FedEx - RateType property was changed from enumerated type to int to allow for requesting multiple rate types in one request.
  • UPS - WebServices / XML APIs deprecated.
  • UPS - Support for the REST API / OAuth authentication added.
  • UPS - UPS tracking requires a unique customer transaction id value. A new CustomerTransactionId config was added to enable sending of this value in a track request.

Build 8586 (version 20.1.8586) - July 5, 2023

  • USPSTrack - Added parsing of StatusDescription from the Endicia tracking response.

Build 8502 (version 20.1.8502) - April 12, 2023

  • USPS-Stamps: Added support for sending "HSTariffNumber" and "CountryOfOrigin" for each commodity line item. Stamps requires CountryOfOrigin value to be sent in short code format now (2-chars).

Build 8460 (version 20.1.8460) - March 01, 2023

  • FedEx - Added "PhysicalPackaging" and "AssociatedFreightLineItems" in the request for the FedExFreightRates component. Added two new configs, PackageFreightCommodityIds[i] and PackagePhysicalPackagingType[i], in FedExFreightRates component.

Build 8426 (version 20.1.8426) - January 26, 2023

  • FedEx - Allows user to set LabelStockType for SmartPost.

Build 8348 (version 20.1.8348) - November 09, 2022

  • UPS - Adds support to parse shipping label for Mail Innovations (MI) shipments. The first part (page 1) of the label will be accessed via ShippingLabel field whereas the second part will be accessed via ShippingLabelPart2 field.
  • FedEx - Adds support for "Freight Straight Bill of Lading" and "VICS Bill of Lading" in ShippingDocumentTypes. Added new field Id in FreightCommodityDetail. Added two new configs, PackageFreightCommodityIds[i] and PackagePhysicalPackagingType[i], in FedExFreightShip component.

Build 8348 (version 20.1.8348) - November 09, 2022

  • FedEx - Adds support for the new service type FEDEX_INTERNATIONAL_CONNECT_PLUS

Build 8300 (version 20.1.8300) - September 22, 2022

  • UPSShipIntl - Form Type "01" (invoice) is supported for Return Services as well.
  • UPSShipIntl - Adds the choice "Partial Invoice" in the FormTypes property.

Build 8217 (version 20.1.8217) - July 01, 2022

  • FedEx - Adds support for new FedEx service types: "INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY" is replaced by two new services "FEDEX_INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY" and "FEDEX_INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_EXPRESS"
  • FedEx - Default "APIVersion" is set to 28.

Build 8195 (version 20.1.8195) - June 10, 2022

  • USPS - Adds support for SCAN Requests (USPS Manifests). A new action config "USPSCreateManifest" is added in USPSShip and USPSShipIntl components.

Build 8160 (version 20.1.8160) - May 5, 2022

  • UPS - Fixes an issue with tag. Only one reference can be included in the barcode per UPS specs.

Build 8153 (version 20.1.8153) - April 28, 2022

  • USPS - Adds support for the eVS International Label API.

Build 8117 (version 20.1.8117) - March 23, 2022

  • CanadaPostTrack - Updated the url for SaveProofOfDelivery() method in CanadaPostTrack component.

Build 8111 (version 20.1.8111) - March 17, 2022

  • FedEx - Adds support to send SoldTo fields in a Shipment request using the new SoldToAggregate config.

Build 8109 (version 20.1.8109) - March 15, 2022

  • FedEx - Renaming of BrokerType property to ClearanceBrokerageType to match the definition in specs (and the intended use).
  • FedEx - Adds BrokerType property to support the "EXPORT / IMPORT" designation for the broker.

Build 8096 (version 20.1.8096) - March 02, 2022

  • UPSShip - Fix to allow sending PackingListInfo tag in shipment requests.
  • UPSShipIntl - Fix to allow sending NumOfPiecesInShipment tag in shipment requests.
tripe on the back of the credit card. Because of the added security provided by a card-present transaction, the fees associated with each transaction are typically lower.

Build 7968 (version 20.1.7968) - October 25, 2021

  • UPS - Adds support for "UPS Simple Rate" shipping option.

Build 7801 (version 20.1.7801) - May 11, 2021

  • FedEx - LabelStockType values "STOCK_4X6" and "STOCK_4X8" are allowed for PDF Labels.

Build 7789 (version 20.1.7789) - April 29, 2021

  • USPS - Updated Endicia sandbox account.

Build 7781 (version 20.1.7781) - April 21, 2021

  • USPSMgr - Endicia - The Refund method will use the EWS Service by default now. The ELS Service has been deprecated.

Build 7737 (version 20.1.7737) - March 08, 2021

  • USPS - Adds support for the eVS Label API (domestic).

Build 7731 (version 20.1.7731) - March 02, 2021

  • USPS - Updated help and code to reflect that USPS has dropped support for DeliveryConfirmation, SignatureConfirmation, ExpressMailLabel, and HoldForPickup.
  • USPS - Deleted GetTrackingNumber method because USPS no longer supports this operation

Build 7682 (version 20.1.7682) - January 12, 2021

  • FedEx - Exposes "LanguageCode" and "LocaleCode" as two new fields of the FedExAccount Type.
  • FedEx - Adds "ShipmentSpecialServices" config to C++ Editions to handle larger values.

Build 7660 (version 20.1.7660) - December 21, 2020

  • UPSShipIntl - Fix to allow FormType EEI to be or-ed with other form types.

Build 7613 (version 20.1.7613) - November 04, 2020

  • Fedex: Fix to allow sending special documents (international forms) even when the RequestedETDDocuments config is not set. RequestedETDDocuments is optional and can be used to get copies of the electronically sent documents.

Build 7589 (version 20.1.7589) - October 11, 2020

  • USPSShip - Adds support for generating Endicia shipping labels without doing Address Validation.
  • USPSAddress - Adds Endicia Address Validation for domestic addresses. Exposes two new configs - the "AddressCleansingResult" and the "VerificationLevel".
  • UPSTrack - Fixes a bug with the .ScheduledDeliveryDate and .ScheduledDeliveryTime properties not being parsed correctly from the response when using SOAP webservice.

Build 7415 (version 20.1.7415) - April 20, 2020

  • UPS - Adds support for UPS Worldwide Economy services.

Build 7376 (version 20.1.7376) - March 12, 2020

  • FedEx - Adds DocumentId field to the UploadDocumentDetail Type to support uploading Custom Documents when using ETD ShipmentSpecialServices.

Build 7373 (version 20.1.7373) - March 09, 2020

  • FedEx - Exposes the CustomerTransactionId configuration setting in all FedEx components.

Build 7369 (version 20.1.7369) - March 05, 2020

  • USPS - Adds support for Endicia LabelSize 4″x8″, Stamps LabelSize "Normal4X825", and Stamps LabelSize "Return4X825".

Build 7325 (version 20.1.7325) - January 21, 2020

  • USPSShipIntl - Adds custom details for shipments to US territories.
  • USPS - Adds Memo config setting for Stamps shipping labels.
Build 7288 (version 20.1.7288) - December 15, 2019

  • USPS: Stamps - Adds support to populate the NetCharge field of the Package Detail with the value from the Label Response.

Build 7271 (version 20.1.7142) - November 28, 2019

  • UPSShipIntl - Fix for generating form CN22 for all the comodities within the parcel.
  • USPSShipIntl - Fix for allowing custom forms for APO/FPO/DPO shipments.

Build 7251 (version 20.1.7251) - November 08, 2019

  • USPS: Fixes a bug with the package length in the USPRates component.

Build 7142 (version 20.1.7142) - July 22, 2019

  • USPS: Stamps.com - Fix to populate the error message. Status was already parsed from the response.

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