4D Payments SDK - Release Notes

Build 9034 (version 16.0.9034) - September 25, 2024

  • TSYS - Added support for G3v014 Usage 2 (Usage 1 is deprecated as of August 17, 2024).
  • TSYS - Update to send groups G3v088 and G3v089 for Mastercard transactions only.
  • TSYS - Update to NOT send group G3v026 in reversal transactions.
  • TSYS - Updated TransactionId padding in settlement
  • TSYS - Added support for sending group G3v092 (Account Funding Source) in authorization and ODG41-Tag:AFS in settlement.

  • Build 8979 (version 16.0.8979) - August 1, 2024

    • TSYS - Update to send group G3v091 for any card brand. Per TSYS specs, group G3v091 is required for Mastercard, but can be sent for any card brand.
    • TSYS - Added support for sending MPGID (Merchant Payment Gateway ID) in group G3v091 (Usage 2 in specs). A new config "MPGID" is added in TSYSRetail, TSYSEcommerce, TSYSHealthCare, and TSYSDebit components.
    • TSYS - For Mastercard, the component will now send the actual merchant city in the Merchant location/city field instead of the service phone. No action required, the component handles this internally.
    • TSYS - Update to not send "SMI" and "PFI" tags in DetailExtension (ODG41) for Amex cards.
    • TSYS - Added group G3v088 (Additional Acceptor Data) in TSYSDebit, TSYSHealthCare, and TSYSReversal components.

    Build 8907 (version 16.0.8907) - May 20, 2024

    • FDMSRc - Adds "InfoReqInd" (Card Info Request Indicator) in the request. A new config "CardInfoRequestIndicator" is added in FDMSRcECommerce component. The response is parsed into CardInfoResponse* configs.
    • FDMSRc - Includes <CustInfoGrp> (Customer Info Group) group in incremental transaction requests.
    • TSYS - Added group G3v091 (Additional Transaction Specific Data) for Mastercard transactions. If a TLID value is returned in the response, that value will be included in the aggregate and will automatically be sent in subsequent transactions.

    Build 8892 (version 16.0.8892) - May 06, 2024

    • FDMSRc - Update to send "CCVErrorCode", "POSEntryModeChg" in all reversal types (Mastercard Group).
    • FDMSRc - Update to send "TranIntgClass" in all reversals except when ReversalTransType is CAPTURE (Mastercard Group).
    • FDMSRc - Update to send "DevTypeInd" in Mastercard group only for contactless transactions (POSEntryMode "07", "82", or "91").
    • FDMSRc - Update to send "BanknetData" in all Reversals, if available.
    • FDMSRc - Added zero-padding in TransactionAmount, and Additional Amounts ("TxnAmt", and "AddAmt" tags).
    • FDMSRc - Update to send Additional Amount Group with Additional Amount Type "TranFee" first, and then the other Additional Amount groups - per Fiserv analyst.
    • FDMSRc - Update to NOT send "FinAuthInd" in Reversals of Completions and Refunds.
    • TSYS - Excludes EMV tags "9F40" (Additional Terminal Capabilities) and "9F21" (Transaction Time) from Group G3v055 per TSYS Sierra EMV documentation.
    • TSYS - Added group G3v065 (ISO Identifier) in TSYSHealthCare component.
    • TSYS - Update to send groups G3v063 and G3v066 in Reversals.
    • TSYS - Update to send Transaction Code for card Authentication as "58" regardless of whether the transaction is identified as BillPayment.

    Build 8811 (version 16.0.8811) - February 15, 2024

    • FDMSRc - Added support for sending Surcharge/Transaction Fee (tag "TranFee" in AddtlAmtGrp group) for EComm/MOTO transactions.
    • TSYS - Added support for sending groups G3v063, G3v065, and G3v066 for Debit and EBT transactions.
    • TSYS - Update to not send MCC tag (in DetailExtension) for PayFac AMEX cards.
    • TSYS - Fixed an issue with the Response TransactionId being sent all-zeros for Debit Auto Reversals. If a TransactionId was not returned in the authorization response, this field is defaulted to zeros in settlement and sent as empty field in Reversals.
    • TSYS - Updated group G3v088 (Additional Acceptor Data). If any of the fields in this group is provided, all three of them should have values (minimum length is 1).
    • TSYS - LocationDetailAddress is required in ODG36. When sending group ODG36 in settlement the components will always include LocationDetailAddress.
    • TSYS - Added support for sending G3v088 and G3v089 in auth request and ODG1-Parameter record and ODG41-SLD in Detail record in settlement.
    • TSYS - Added fields Phone and StreetAddress in TSYSMerchant type (related to G3v088).
    • TSYS - Added four new ServiceLocation* configs (related to G3v089) in TSYSRetail and TSYSEcommerce components.
    • TSYS - For Mastercard CNP transactions, as of October 13, 2023, the customer service phone number that was previously sent in the Merchant City field will not be sent there anymore; it will be sent in G3v088 - Additional Acceptor Data (per TSYS specs).
    • TSYS - Fixes an issue with tag "OAI" in DetailExtension.
    • TSYS - Added support for sending PFIdentifier and PFSubMerchantIdentifier in group G3v066 for Discover cards.

    Build 8777 (version 16.0.8777) - January 12, 2024

    • TSYS - Sierra Certification Add-On for Card Brand tokenization.

    Build 8739 (version 16.0.8739) - December 5, 2023

    • TSYS - Summit Certification updates.

    Build 8717 (version 16.0.8717) - November 13, 2023

    • FDMSOmaha - Added support for sending "CIT/MIT Indicator" in MasterCard transactions (the new config is CITMITIndicator).
    • TSYS - Updated G3v066 (Payment Facilitator): added "Acquirer Internal Reference Number" field in authorization. A new config "PFAcquirerInternalReferenceNumber" is added.
    • TSYS - Update to allow DirectMarketing IndustryType in TSYSRetail component.
    • TSYS - Added group G3v079 in Reversals. Added parsing of group G3v079 response (ResponseATR). Added Tag:ATR in DetailExtension(ODG41).
    • TSYS - Update to allow zero values for InstallmentCount and InstallmentNumber.
    • TSYS - Update to send group G3v065 and ODG41-Tag:ISO for Discover cards (they were sent for Mastercard only).
    • TSYS - Added support for sending group G3v079 in authorization.

    Build 8603 (version 16.0.8603) - July 22, 2023

    • TSYS - Updated VersionId upon completion of TSYS Sierra certification.

    Build 8600 (version 16.0.8600) - July 19, 2023

    • TSYS - Added support for sending G3v065 (ISO Identifier) in authorization (ODG41-Tag:ISO in settlement). A new config "ISOIdentifier" is added in TSYSRetail and TSYSEcommerce components.
    • TSYS - Updated G3v066 (Payment Facilitator): added "Foreign Retailer Indicator" field in authorization and ODG41-Tag:FRI in settlement. A new config "PFForeignRetailerIndicator" is added in TSYSRetail and TSYSEcommerce components.
    • TSYS - Added support for sending G3v036 (Transaction Type Identifier) in authorization (ODG41-Tag:PTI in settlement). A new config "TransactionTypeIdentifier" is added in TSYSRetail component.
    • TSYS - Added support for sending G3v024 for all Mastercard transactions (CP and/or CNP).
    • TSYS - Allowable values for ProgramProtocol are now "1" to "9" (according to specs).
    • TSYS - Sends G3v018 in authorization (ODG16 in settlement) for any card brand not just Visa.
    • TSYS - Added support for sending Data Group 3 (ODG3), data group 12 (ODG12), and data group 31 (ODG31) for Passenger Transport Industry type.
    • FDMSRc - Updated POSConditionCode calculation per the specs. Added InstallmentType validation for Discover Installment transactions.
    • FDMSRc - Added VisaCheckoutIndicator config to support Visa Checkout Transactions.
    • FDMSRc - Sends "VisaBID" and "VisaAUAR" (VisaIdentifier) in Authorization, Completion, Sale, Refund, and TimeOut Reversal in addition of Verification and BalanceInquiry.
    • FDMSRc - Sends "MCAddData" as zero filled in all incremental transactions (except Full Reversals) for any IndustryType not only Hotel.

    Build 8543 (version 16.0.8543) - May 23, 2023

    • FiServ (FDMS) - NEW PLATFORM!!!: FiServ RapidConnect Cardnet/Nashville (FE) with North (BE) Online Terminal Capture settlement is now supported by 4D Payments SDK.
    • TSYS - Allow user to overwrite the component calculated ECI value for Retail, Hotel, and Restaurant CNP transactions.
    • TSYS - Allow sending the MSDI for Passenger Transport IndustryType.
    • TSYS - Send Merchant Service Phone instead of Merchant City for Passenger Transport and any CNP transactions.
    • TSYS - Don’t send group G3v071 (POSEnvironmentIndicator) for Incremental transactions.
    • TSYS - Don’t send group G3v077 (TransactionStatus and/or AcceptanceDeviceType) when Transaction Amount is zero as is the case when doing AuthenticateCard() or BalanceInquiry().

    Build 8530 (version 16.0.8530) - May 10, 2023

    • TSYS - Send data group 2 (ODG2 - Gratuity) for Direct Marketing transactions.
    • TSYSSettle - Updated Error Parsing of the Settlement Response.
    • TSYSHealthCare - Added support for sending group G3v023 (Mastercard or Discover HealthCare Data). A new method named EligibilityInquiry() as well as a new config HealthCareMemberData were added in the TSYSHealthCare component.
    • TSYS - Added support for sending group G3v082 (Installment Transaction Data) in Authorization requests and Reversals for Discover. Added two new configs, InstallmentCount and InstallmentNumber in TSYSEcommerce.
    • TSYS - Changed the type of InstallmentCount and InstallmentNumber properties in TSYSDetailRecord from int to string - per TSYS specs the InstallmentCount can now accept alpha-numeric values. Although in authorization TSYS accepts values 02-99, "ND", or "UC", in Settlement (ODG12 group), currently, only numeric values are accepted, hence the component will send a 0 in settlement if InstallmentCount contains a non-numeric value in the authorization.
    • TSYS - Group 4 (ODG4 - Auto Rental) will be sent in the settlement request for Visa and Mastercard only.
    • TSYS - Group 13 (ODG13 - Auto Rental) will be sent in the settlement request for Mastercard only.
    • TSYS - G3v021 will be sent in authorization requests and reversals for Visa cards.
    • TSYS - Group 20 (ODG20 - Merchant Verification Value (VisaMVV)) will be sent for Direct Marketing as well. Before it was only sent for Healthcare.

    Build 8449 (version 16.0.8449) - February 18, 2023

    • FDMS - MerchantTerminalNumber can now be up to 11 characters long.
    • TSYS - Replacing the boolean IsQuasiCash and IsExistingDebtPayment configs with a new SpecialConditionIndicator config that allows 3 different values: 7-Purchase of Cryptocurrency; 8-Quasi-Cash; 9-Payment on an Existing Debt.
    • TSYS - Send AcceptanceDeviceType and TransactionStatus in group G3v077 (tags "ADT" and "TSI" in settlement) for all cards.
    • TSYS - Online Purchase Return Authorization is supported by Amex now.

    Build 8405 (version 16.0.8405) - January 5, 2023

    • Paymentech - Updated ECI property allowable values. Added value 20 for Payment Token data present (Amex only)
    • Paymentech - Updated ECommerceIndicator config allowable values (used in Restaurant and Hotel industry types). Added value 20 for Payment Token data present (Amex only)

    Build 8348 (version 16.0.8348) - November 9, 2022

    • FDMS, FDMSRc - Online Refund is supported by all card brands now, including Amex.

    Build 8300 (version 16.0.8300) - September 22, 2022

    • FDMSDatawire - Connection handling update to improve batch transmission speed.

    Build 8272 (version 16.0.8272) - August 25, 2022

    • PTechNetConnect - EMVData must not be padded per specs.

    Build 8271 (version 16.0.8271) - August 24, 2022

    • TSYS - Fix to send ODG3 and ODG12 for Retail/Restaurant OffLineCredit CNP transactions.
    • TSYSHealthCare - Based on TSYS guidance supported by Visa tech specs, in case of Visa purchase/sale transactions only the "Amount Vision" (4V) must be included in the additional amounts, whereas the "Amount Medical" (4S) should not be included.

    Build 8257 (version 16.0.8257) - August 10, 2022

    • TSYS - Group G3v014 must be sent on all Reversals if it was present in the Authorization.

    Build 8249 (version 16.0.8249) - August 2, 2022

    • FDMS Rapid Connect Certification updates including support for Credential on File transactions.

    Build 8236 (version 16.0.8236) - July 20, 2022

    • TSYS - Adds support for sending CIT/MIT Indicator (CITMITIndicator config) in Settlement (DetailExtension (ODG41) Tag:CMI).

    Build 8188 (version 16.0.8188) - June 2, 2022

    • TSYS - Adds support for sending group G3v083 (Mastercard CIT/MIT Category Code) in authorization request for TSYSEcommerce, TSYSRetail, TSYSHealthcare, and TSYSReversal components. The new config is CITMITIndicator.

    Build 8110 (version 16.0.8110) - March 16, 2022

    • FDMSOmaha - This update ensures that proper values are automatically set for TerminalCapabilities even when the user don’t set those at all and ensures that parsing of the response is handled properly whether the response includes the terminal capabilities section or not.

    Build 8017 (version 16.0.8017) - December 13, 2021

    • Paymentech - Certification Updates.

    Build 7989 (version 16.0.7989) - November 15, 2021

    • TSYS - Fixes a bug related to the length of tag: "PON" in DetailExtension (ODG41) for VISA ELECTRON cards.

    Build 7978 (version 16.0.7978) - November 4, 2021

    • TSYS - Adds support for sending group G3v024 in auth request for Mastercard CNP transactions. The Merchant Advice Code that comes in the response can be read in the new read-only config "ResponseMerchantAdviceCode"
    • TSYS - Adds support for sending the AcceptanceDeviceType in group G3v077 and corresponding tag ADT in DetailExtension for Amex cards.

    Build 7888 (version 16.0.7888) - August 6, 2021

    • TSYS - Fix to not send ODG3 and ODG12 in settlement for Debit, EBT, and GiftCards.
    • TSYS - Fix to not sent ODG1 (Cashback) in settlement for ACH in debit transactions (Retail, Grocery, Restaurant, and Hotel).

    Build 7830 (version 16.0.7830) - June 09, 2021

    • TSYS - Adds support for the new Authorization Source Code Response values.

    Build 7809 (version 16.0.7809) - May 19, 2021

    • TSYS - Adds support for G3v073 (Business Application Identifier) and the corresponding ODG41 (tag BAI) in TSYSRetail, TSYSEcommerce, and TSYSReversal components for Bill Payment Visa transactions. A new config named "BusinessApplicationId" was added.

    Build 7808 (version 16.0.7808) - May 18, 2021

    • TSYS - Updated TransactionCode for Bill Payment transactions according to the latest TSYS specs (EIS 1080 - Version 19.1).

    Build 7801 (version 16.0.7801) - May 11, 2021

    • TSYS - Minor fix to support new Authorization Responses.

    Build 7796 (version 16.0.7796) - May 06, 2021

    • FDMS - Updating the TPPID with the latest certification value.

    Build 7794 (version 16.0.7794) - May 04, 2021

    • TSYS - Adds support for sending Group G3v056 (MessageReasonCode) for Healthcare and Debit Visa transactions.
    • TSYS - Sends group G3v056 (MessageReasonCode) for non-MIT transactions as well (previous builds send G3v056 for MIT transactions only).

    Build 7787 (version 16.0.7787) - April 27, 2021

    • TSYS - Adds support for sending Merchant Category Code in the DetailAggregate (DetailExtension (ODG41) Tag:MCC)
    • TSYS - Adds support for sending ODG2 - Dedicated File Name of the Chip Addendum Record for Mastercard transactions.

    Build 7776 (version 16.0.7776) - April 16, 2021

    • TSYS - Group G3v074 will NOT be sent for $0 amount authorizations.

    Build 7717 (version 16.0.7717) - February 16, 2021

    • TSYS - Updates Quasi-Cash support based on the latest specifications.
    • TSYS - Adds support for sending ODG36 in Detail Records for Level3 transactions.
    • TSYS - Adds support for sending Location* values in Detail Aggregate for Discover cards if PFNameSubMerchantName is empty. If PFNameSubMerchantName is NOT empty then the Location* values will be substituted with the PF* values (Payment Facilitator fields).

    Build 7712 (version 16.0.7712) - February 11, 2021

    • PTech - Adds support for 3D Secure (3DS) Version 2.0

    Build 7678 (version 16.0.7678) - January 08, 2021

    • TSYS - Adds support for sending group G3v068 (Fraud enhanced data) in authorization request for Discover, Diners, JCB, and CUP transactions.

    Build 7675 (version 16.0.7675) - January 05, 2021

    • TSYS - Fix to allow Multi Clearing/Shipping (or split shipments) for Direct Marketing transactions (ECI=1).
    • TSYS - Adds support for sending CVV data (G3v007) for Card On File (COF) transactions.

    Build 7661 (version 16.0.7661) - December 22, 2020

    • TSYS - Implements proper handling of Card brand tokenization (G3v062) per the current specs.

    Build 7660 (version 16.0.7660) - December 21, 2020

    • TSYS - Fix to correctly handle Multi Clearing/Shipping transactions (or split shipments).

    Build 7627 (version 16.0.7627) - November 18, 2020

    • TSYS - Adds support for sending MIT Transaction ID in authorization request for Discover, Diners, JCB, and CUP transactions.
    • TSYS - Adds support for sending G3v077 and Tag "TSI" in DetailExtension for Diners, JCB, and CUP transactions. Discover transactions were already supported.
    • TSYS - Adds support for sending the Original Amount in G3v022 for Diners, JCB, and CUP transactions. Discover transactions were already supported.
    • TSYS - Adds support for sending the CumulativeAmount in G3v022 for Diners, JCB, and CUP transactions. Discover transactions were already supported.

    Build 7606 (version 16.0.7606) - October 28, 2020

    • TSYS - Fixes an issue with the EMVFormFactorID (Tag:9F6E of the EMVData). The value that comes from the POS can be up to 32 chars but TSYS accepts no more then 8 chars in settlement.

    Build 7600 (version 16.0.7600) - October 22, 2020

    • TSYS - Adds support for sending ODG2 - Dedicated File Name for CUP (China Union Pay) transactions.

    Build 7594 (version 16.0.7594) - October 16, 2020

    • TSYS - "Form Factor Identifier" missing from the DetailAggregate. Adds the EMV* config settings missing from C++ derived editions.

    Build 7591 (version 16.0.7591) - October 13, 2020

    • TSYS - Removes override of the Subfield 5 (CARDHOLDERPRESENT) in POSDataCode (G3v027). Value ‘I’ is deprecated.

    Build 7580 (version 16.0.7580) - October 02, 2020

    • TSYSSettle - Fixes an issue with the Error.DetailRecordIndex field not taking into account the Chip Card addendum records and the TSYS Encryption Transmission Block (ETB) records.
    • TSYSSettle - Fixes a bug with the order of the Encryption Transmission Block (ETB) record in the TSYS Settlement batch.
    • TSYS: Adds support for sending the SurchargeAmount in the DetailAggregate (DetailExtension (ODG41) Tag:TFA)

    Build 7577 (version 16.0.7577) - September 29, 2020

    • TSYS: Sends the TransactionId in the DetailAggregate as zeros when the ResponseTransactionId comes back empty in the authorization response.

    Build 7573 (version 16.0.7573) - September 25, 2020

    • TSYS: Removes the restriction that the user can’t set both the POSEnvironmentIndicator(G3v056) and the MessageReasonCode(G3v071) at the same time. Per TSYS new advice there are cases in MIT transactions that both groups should be sent in the same Authorization request.

    Build 7571 (version 16.0.7571) - September 23, 2020

    • TSYS: Send ODG2 - Dedicated File Name (Tag 84 of the EMVData) for Diners and JCB transactions. Previous build was sending ODG2 for Discover only.

    Build 7567 (version 16.0.7567) - September 19, 2020

    • TSYS: Adds support for the new Response values of the Authorization Source Code (EIS 1081 File Specification v20.6).

    Build 7559 (version 16.0.7559) - September 11, 2020

    • TSYSHealthCare: Send the Substantiated value in the DetailAggregate always for Mastercard Healthcare transactions.

    Build 7558 (version 16.0.7558) - September 10, 2020

    • TSYSHealthCare: Added support for additional values of the Substantiated property (type changed from bool to int). Changes also ensure to send only once the value of Tag: IIA in the DetailExtension (ODG41).
    • TSYSHealthCare: Removed the "MANUAL_NO_READER" restriction for EntryDataSource in Healthcare VerifyProperties(). TSYS confirmed that Account Data Source which is derived from EntryDataSource can be "@ - No CardReader" even for MSR transactions depending on the situation (ie Virtual Terminal).

    Build 7551 (version 16.0.7551) - September 3, 2020

    • TSYSRetail - Adds support for Balance Inquiry transactions in TSYSRetail component.

    Build 7548 (version 16.0.7548) - August 31, 2020

    • TSYS: Added support for G3v075 (Mastercard Service Parameters) in TSYSEcommerce, TSYSRetail, TSYSHealthcare, and TSYSReversal components. The new config is "CanadaDomesticIndicator".

    Build 7517 (version 16.0.7517) - July 31, 2020

    • TSYS - Fix to not send MSDI (ODG31 group) in Settlement when the Response is ‘space’.
    • PaymenTech - Adds support for Purchase Return Authorization in PTech Components.

    Build 7502 (version 16.0.7502) - July 16, 2020

    • TSYS - Added support for G3v064 (Mastercard Wallet Identifier) and the corresponding ODG41 (tag WID) in TSYSECommerce, TSYSRetail, and TSYSHealthCare components.

    Build 7499 (version 16.0.7499) - July 13, 2020

    • TSYS - Sends the Original Amount (amount type 57) in group G3v022 for Recurring Discover MIT transactions.

    Build 7496 (version 16.0.7496) - July 10, 2020

    • TSYS - Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT) are supported by other card brands now and not just Visa as when initially implemented.

    Build 7494 (version 16.0.7494) - July 08, 2020

    • TSYS - Added support for G3v077 (Extended POS Data group) and ODG41 (tags ADT and TSI).

    Build 7462 (version 16.0.7462) - June 06, 2020

    • TSYS - Fix for XID (G3v017) - it will be sent as empty string if not set instead of being padded with spaces.

    Build 7461 (version 16.0.7461) - June 05, 2020

    • TSYS - Added MSDI config in TSYSRetail component. The users will be able to set the MSDI config for regular retail sales, but the component will still overwrite the value for Hotel, Auto rental, and BillPayment transactions. Regarding the settlement - the component will send the "Response MSDI" in group ODG31.

    Build 7444 (version 16.0.7444) - May 19, 2020

    • TSYS - Fix for ODG3 and ODG12. They will be sent in settlement only for Card Not Present (CNP) transactions.

    Build 7428 (version 16.0.7428) - May 03, 2020

    • TSYS - Exposes SharingGroup property in TSYSBenefit component. The component will still send the hardcoded values "K" (TSYS) or "GV" (Heartland) for EBT cards if the user doesn’t set this property.
    • TSYS - Updates the help documentation with the latest info from TSYS specs in regard to SharingGroup and NetworkId.

    Build 7424 (version 16.0.7424) - April 29, 2020

    • TSYS - Excludes ODG38 for EBT transactions, based on the latest TSYS specs.

    Build 7422 (version 16.0.7422) - April 27, 2020

    • FDMS - Omaha Certification updates.
    • TSYS - Sends ODG3 and ODG12 for Offline Credit transactions.

    Build 7418 (version 16.0.7418) - April 23, 2020

    • TSYS - Adds support for Retry scenarios in Purchase Return Authorization and Purchase Return Authorization Reversal transactions.
    • TSYS - Sends ODG3 and ODG12 in settlement for Purchase Return Authorization.
    • TSYS - Sends AuthorizationIndicator (G3v067) as "F" for Mastercard Purchase Return Authorization per the latest specs.
    • TSYS - Excludes the Additional Amounts in group G3v022 for Retry Purchase Return Authorizations in TSYSHealthcare.

    Build 7417 (version 16.0.7417) - April 22, 2020

    • TSYS - Updates validation for HotelRateAmount in TSYSDetailRecord - checks for IndustryType.

    Build 7416 (version 16.0.7416) - April 21, 2020

    • FDMS - Changes to support Online Refund Authorizations for all card brands except Amex.
    • FDMS - Fixes an issue with the Online Refunds in settlement. Will send Transaction Code (which is composed of Transaction Type and Sale Type) as 16 (1 for Transaction Type and 6 for Sale Type) - the same Transaction Code as in the authorization request.

    Build 7405 (version 16.0.7405) - April 10, 2020

    • TSYSDebit - Fixes an issue with the CardholderId in debit transactions. The value we send in Settlement will match the CardholderId value we send in the Authorization (unless it settles as a credit card transaction).

    Build 7394 (version 16.0.7394) - March 30, 2020

    • TSYSHealthcare - Excludes Additional Amounts (group G3v022) for Purchase Return Authorizations.

    Build 7392 (version 16.0.7392) - March 28, 2020

    • TSYS - Adds changes related to Mastercard Authentication Data (G3v072).
    • TSYS - Removes G3v019 and G3v078 from Authorization, and OGD17 from Settlement.

    Build 7389 (version 16.0.7389) - March 25, 2020

    • TSYS - Code changes to send the MSDI on VISA transactions only and not for other card brands.

    Build 7388 (version 16.0.7388) - March 24, 2020

    • TSYS - Adds Validation check for HotelRateAmount. TSYS requires that for Amex cards HotelRateAmount be greater than $0 and less than or equal to $999.99 when HotelChargeType is ctHotel (0).

    Build 7384 (version 16.0.7384) - March 20, 2020

    • TSYS - Sending the Response value of "Issuer Authentication Data (tag 91)" from the authorization reponse in the settlement request."

    Build 7383 (version 16.0.7383) - March 19, 2020

    • TSYS - Fixes bug with Tag 91 (Issuer Authentication Data) in Chip Addendum Record. It should be filled will spaces instead of zeros (A/N type).

    Build 7382 (version 16.0.7382) - March 18, 2020

    • TSYS - Purchase Return Authorization is supported by all card brands except Amex (EIS 1080 - Version 18.2).

    Build 7381 (version 16.0.7381) - March 17, 2020

    • TSYS - Additional changes related to G3v026. Adds new config IsEstimatedAmount.

    Build 7373 (version 16.0.7373) - March 09, 2020

    • TSYS - ODG22 fields are deprecated - using the ODG41 fields instead (Tags: "OAI", "OA", "PON").

    Build 7363 (version 16.0.7363) - February 28, 2020

    • FDMS - North/Nashville COF Certification Add-On related changes.

    Build 7359 (version 16.0.7359) - February 24, 2020

    • TSYS - Sending ODG12 in CNP Retail Level3 transactions

    Build 7342 (version 16.0.7342) - February 07, 2020

    • TSYS - Adds Location Detail configs in TSYSDetailRecord.

    Build 7341 (version 16.0.7341) - February 06, 2020

    • TSYS - Fixes an issue with POSDataCode config where the POSDataCode value wasn’t being sent in the DetailAggregate if you didn’t run the Authorize() method first.

    Build 7339 (version 16.0.7339) - February 04, 2020

    • TSYS - Adds support for Payment Facilitator fields (G3v066) in Authorization request for Visa and Discover card transactions.
    • TSYS - Exposes those configs in TSYSReversal.

    Build 7332 (version 16.0.7332) - January 28, 2020

    • FDMSRegister - Fixes an issue with ResetHeaders in the ServiceDiscovery method.

    Build 7310 (version 16.0.7310) - January 06, 2020

    • TSYS - Adds Payment Facilitator configuration settings in TSYSDetailRecord ("PFNameSubMerchantName", "PFSubMerchantCity", "PFSubMerchantState", "PFSubMerchantCountry", and "PFSubMerchantPostalCode").

    Build 7300 (version 16.0.7300) - December 27, 2019

    • Paymentech - Removes sensitive tags (5F24, 5F34, 5A, 57) from the EMVdata in the Authorization request.

    Build 7269 (version 16.0.7269) - November 26, 2019

    • TSYS - Adds support to send the Dedicated File Name (Tag 84) from the EMVData in Settlement as part of group ODG2 for Discover card EMV transactions.
    • TSYS - Adds the new config EMVDedicatedFileName in TSYSDetailRecord component.

    Build 7248 (version 16.0.7248) - November 5, 2019

    • TSYS - Adds support to send G3v067 (AuthorizationIndicator) and G3v060 (MobileDeviceType) in Authorization request for Maestro cards.

    Build 7208 (version 16.0.7208) - September 26, 2019

    • TSYS - Changes related to TSYS Certification Add-On. Adds support for ACH, IVR, Installments, and Card on File transactions.
    • TSYS - Adds new transaction type "dttACHPurchase" in TransactionType property of TSYSDetailRecord component.

    Build 7166 (version 16.0.7166) - August 15, 2019

    • TSYS - Fix to not overwrite the user setting of CardholderId config value in TSYSHealthCare Authorization request.

    Build 7152 (version 16.0.7152) - August 1, 2019

    • TSYS - Adds group G3v007 (Card verification code) and group G3v014 (MOTO/E-Commerce) in TSYSHealthcare Authorization request.

    Build 7150 (version 16.0.7150) - July 30, 2019

    • FDMSOmaha - Minor fix to make sure that ParseAggregate doesn’t throw an error if CardIssuer is missing from the DetailAggregate.

    Build 7140 (version 16.0.7110) - June 20, 2019

    • TSYS - Fix to not overwrite the user setting of CardholderId config value in TSYSGiftCard Authorize request.
    • TSYS - Sends the "Response Approval Code" in Settlement instead of "Voucher Approval Code" for EBT Food Voucher Transactions

    Build 7073 (version 16.0.7073) - May 14, 2019

    • TSYS - Adds support for Card Brand Tokenization (Token Requestor ID) in authorization (G3v062) and settlement (ODG41 tag: TRI).
    • TSYS - Adds the new config "TokenRequestorID" in TSYSEcommerce and TSYSReversal components.

    Build 7068 (version 16.0.7068) - May 9, 2019

    • TSYS - Fixes a bug in LocationDetailAddress length validation.

    Build 7066 (version 16.0.7066) - May 7, 2019

    • TSYS - Sends G3v072 not as empty but with value 210 when no UCAF support (according to the latest TSYS spec changes).

    Build 7061 (version 16.0.7061) - May 2, 2019

    • TSYS - Removed G3v034 from Visa EBT Transactions and G3V061 from Visa Debit/EBT Transactions.

    Build 7056 (version 16.0.7056) - April 27, 2019

    • TSYS - Changes related to Bill Payments for Non-US Merchants.

    Build 7044 (version 16.0.7044) - April 15, 2019

    • FDMS Rapid Connect - Adds support for Visa Online Refund Authorization. New config "IsOnlineRefund".

    Build 7041 (version 16.0.7041) - April 12, 2019

    • FDMS North and Nashville Certification updates. Adds those new configs: "IsOnlineRefund", "IsBillPayment", "SubmissionType", and "TransArmorTokenType".

    Build 7037 (version 16.0.7037) - April 8, 2019

    • FDMS Omaha - Adds support for Visa Online Refund. A new method "OnlineRefund" is introduced in FDMSOmahaRetil, FDMSOmahaEcommerce, and FDMSOmahaRestaurant components.

    Build 7028 (version 16.0.7028) - March 30, 2019

    • TSYS - Adds configuration settings "ProgramProtocol" and "DirectoryServerTxnID" in TSYSEcommerce component. Sends Authentication Data for Authorization (G3v078) and Settlement (ODG41 tags: PGP, DTI) for Mastercard Identity Check 3DS transactions.

    Build 7022 (version 16.0.7022) - March 24, 2019

    • TSYS - Implementing new requirements for Incremental transactions. Adds "CumulativeAmount" configuration setting in TSYSRetail, TSYSEcommerce, and TSYSHealthCare components.

    Build 7016 (version 16.0.7016) - March 18, 2019

    • TSYS - Adds additional balance fields to the Response of TSYSBenefit component (CashBenefitLedgerBalance, CashBenefitAvailableBalance, FoodStampLedgerBalance, and FoodStampAvailableBalance).

    Build 7014 (version 16.0.7014) - March 16, 2019

    • TSYS - Adds support for Card Not Present (Transaction Code=56), Retry Card Not Present (Transaction Code=66) and Retry Purchase Return Authorization (Transaction Code=CS) in TSYSHealthCare.

    Build 7010 (version 16.0.7010) - March 12, 2019

    • TSYS - Adds ODG31 (MSDI) for Healthcare and BillPayment Level2 transactions.

    Build 7002 (version 16.0.7002) - March 4, 2019

    • Adds three new allowable values ("A", "R", and "T") for the ECI Config in TSYSEcommerce component.

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system.

    Build 6963 (version 16.0.6963) - January 24, 2019

    • Fixes a bug in TSYSReversal related to user not being able to set MessageReasonCode config.
    • Adds support for additional values for ResponseAuthSource config in DetailRecord component.
    • Adds support for Reversal transactions to reflect the new changes in TSYS Sierra specs regarding (G3v067) and (G3v074).
    • Adds support for Debit Credit Indicator in Line Item property of TSYS level 3 transactions for Mastercard.

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system.

    Build 6856 (version 16.0.6856) - October 9, 2018

    • Adds support for FSA/HSA/HRA transactions in FDMS Rapid Connect. A new component is exposed named FDMSRcHealthCare to enable users to process Healthcare transactions in FDMS Rapid Connect platform.
    • Adds support for Void of Return transactions in FDMS Rapid Connect components.
    • Updated the generation of ClientRef tag in FDMS North/Nashville Session transactions processed through Datawire to follow the latest specifications. Adds a new property in FDMSSettle component "ApiVersion" and updated the existing "BatchSequenceNumber" property.
    • Adds new value raTaxExempt (5) for "ReimbursementAttribute" property in TSYSDebit and TSYSReversal components and "DebitReimbursementAttribute" property in TSYSDetailRecord component.

    User action: Make sure to set the "BatchSequenceNumber" property in FDMSSettle component as instructed in our documentation to follow the latest specifications. This property should contain a 7-digit unique transaction sequence identifier. You may set the "ApiVersion" property in FDMSSettle component to reflect your application Version and Revision Number. Default value of "ApiVersion" indicates the current Version and Revision number of 4D Payments SDK.

    Build 6802 (version 16.0.6802) - August 16, 2018

    • Adds support for Visa Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT) in TSYS components.
    • Adds configuration settings "IsMerchantInitiatedTransaction" to indicate a Visa MIT transaction, "MITTransactionId" to hold the Transaction Id associated with the original authorization of a Visa MIT transaction and "MessageReasonCode" to identify the reason for the Visa MIT transaction in TSYSRetail and TSYSECommerce components.

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system. However, if you wish to support Visa MIT transactions with TSYS you can. Note that depending on the type of the Visa MIT transaction (MIT Standing Instruction or MIT Industry Practice) you may set either the "POSEnvironmentIndicator" or "MessageReasonCode" configuration settings respectively, but not both.

    Build 6726 (version 16.0.6726) - June 1, 2018

    • Adds support for Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) transactions in FDMS Rapid Connect. A new component is exposed named FDMSRcBenefit to enable users to process Food Stamp, Cash Benefit and eWIC transactions in FDMS Rapid Connect platform.
    • Adds "TerminalLocationIndicator" configuration setting in FDMS Rapid Connect components to enable users to set this field according to their needs.
    • Adds support for Swiped Verification transactions in FDMSRcRetail component.
    • Updates the default value of "CombineRecords" configuration setting in TSYSSettle component to ‘True’ to optimize message size and expedite the overall settlement process by minimizing the total number of settlement packets.

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system. However, if you wish to support EBT transactions with FDMS Rapid Connect you can.

    Build 6696 (version 16.0.6696) - May 02, 2018

    • Adds support for Partial Reversals in TSYS Host Capture components. Adds new "SettleAmount" property in TSYSHCReversal component to indicate the final settlement amount when running Partial Reversals.
    • Adds support for Food Stamp Authorization Reversals, Cash Benefit Authorization Reversals, Food Stamp Credit Reversals and Cash Benefit Credit Reversals in TSYS Host Capture components. Adds new values for "TransactionType" property in TSYSHCReversal component: ttFoodStampAuthorizationReversal(4), ttCashBenefitAuthorizationReversal(5), ttFoodStampCreditReversal(6) and ttCashBenefitCreditReversal(7).
    • Adds support for Retail/Restaurant Card NOT Present transactions in TSYS Host Capture components. Adds "CardPresent" property in TSYSHCRetail component to indicate that this is a Card Present transaction.
    • Adds support for fields: Partial Authorization Indicator in ecommerce and debit transactions, MasterCard Paypass Mobile in MasterCard Contactless transactions, Authorization Indicator required in all MasterCard transactions and POS Environment Indicator required for ecommerce Recurring and Installment transactions. Adds the configuration settings: "AllowPartialAuths", "DomainServer", "MobileDeviceType", "AuthorizationIndicator" and "POSEnvironmentIndicator" in TSYS Host Capture components.

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system. However, if you wish to support all the above mentioned transactions with TSYS Summit you can.

    Build 6687 (version 16.0.6687) - April 23, 2018

    • Adds support for Bill Payment Reversals in TSYS components.
    • Adds "Retry" configuration setting in TSYSReversal component to retry a failed Bill Payment Reversal.

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system. However, if you wish to support Bill Payment Reversal transactions with TSYS you can.

    Build 6660 (version 16.0.6660) - March 27, 2018
    Does not send Card Verification Code 2 field in Visa manually entered Card Present transactions following the Visa article on the CVV2 requirement changes.
    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system.

    Build 6627 (version 16.0.6627) - February 22, 2018

    • Adds support for Amex Payment Service Provider/Aggregator fields in TSYS components.
    • Adds configurations settings "MerchantSellerID", "LocationDetailPhone", "LocationDetailEmail", and "AmexAggregatorName" in TSYSRetail and TSYSECommerce components apart from the ones that are currently available: "LocationDetailName", "LocationDetailAddress", "LocationDetailCity", "LocationDetailRegion", "LocationDetailCountry", and "LocationDetailPostal".
    • Adds "AmexAggregatorName" configuration setting in TSYSSettle component for merchants participating in Amex OptBlue program.

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system. However, if you wish to support Amex transactions originating from a Payment Service Provider/Aggregator with TSYS you can.

    Build 6610 (version 16.0.6610) - February 5, 2018

    Addresses an issue with Payment Facilitator fields that were not being send in TSYS detail records during settlement, due to incorrect EIS 1081 specifications.

    Build 6577 (version 16.0.6577) - January 3, 2018

    Adds support for Existing Debt Indicator field in TSYS components

    Build 6561 (version 16.0.6561) - December 18, 2017

    Update per TSYS specs - send G3v001 only for Visa and MasterCard transactions in TSYS components

    Build 6550 (version 16.0.6550) - December 11, 2017

    Enables users to set the UserAgent in their requests to FDMS platforms

    Build 6549 (version 16.0.6549) - December 7, 2017

    Update per FDMS specs - send EcommURL in FDMS Rapid Connect e-Commerce Authorizations

    Build 6547 (version 16.0.6547) - December 7, 2017

    Adds support for HostTotals transaction in FDMS Rapid Connect components

    Build 6534 (version 16.0.6534) - November 21, 2017

    Adds support for RP token in Paymentech EMV transactions

    Build 6529 (version 16.0.6529) - November 17, 2017

    Adds support for Authorization Type field in FDMS Rapid Connect components

    Build 6512 (version 16.0.6512) - November 1, 2017

    Updates the schema version in FDMS Rapid Connect components

    Build 6507 (version 16.0.6507) - October 25, 2017

    Changes the formatting of the Merchant Zip field in TSYS components to remove spaces and dashes before appending the field to the request

    Build 6501 (version 16.0.6501) - October 21, 2017

    Fixes a bug when setting the Verification Code in TSYS and TSYSHC components

    Build 6500 (version 16.0.6500) - October 19, 2017

    Adds support for Transaction Integrity Class in TSYS components

    Build 6486 (version 16.0.6486) - October 5, 2017

    Adds support for Unattended Terminal Indicator Token in Paymentech components

    Build 6485 (version 16.0.6485) - October 3, 2017

    Adds support for MasterCard UCAF transactions in TSYS components

    Build 6479 (version 16.0.6479) - September 27, 2017

    Fixes an issue with card type determination when parsing the aggregate for subsequent requests in FDMSRc components

    Build 6457 (version 16.0.6457) - September 6, 2017

    Fixes a bug in level 2 transactions in TSYS Host Capture Components

    Build 6439 (version 16.0.6439) - September 4, 2017

    Adds support for B4-B6 subfields of A101 group in TSYS HC components and updates Level2 property description in help files

    Build 6432 (version 16.0.6432) - September 4, 2017

    Adds support for MasterCard UCAF transactions in TSYS HC components

    Build 6430 (version 16.0.6430) - August 9, 2017

    • Updates the Registration and Activation requests for Rapid Connect platform to follow the latest DataWire specs (FDMSRegister component)
    • Fixes a bug in ServiceDiscovery for FDMS Rapid Connect platform

    Build 6429 (version 16.0.6429) - August 9, 2017

    Add support for G3v071-POS Environment Indicator sent in VISA Card-On-File transactions in TSYS components

    Build 6423 (version 16.0.6423) - August 2, 2017

    Add support for TSYS VISA Purchase Return Authorizations and VISA Purchase Return Authorization Reversals

    Build 6418 (version 16.0.6418) - July 28, 2017

    • Fixes an issue with Transaction Code sent for Quasi Cash transactions in the batch Detail Records during settlement (TSYS components)
    • Fixes an issue with Transaction Code sent for Force/Offline Bill Payment transactions in TSYS components

    Build 6410 (version 16.0.6410) - July 20, 2017

    • Fixes an inconsistency with the Data Entry Source sent in the EMV authorizations and the detail records in Paymentech components
    • Fixes a bug with TS token value saved in the detail aggregate of PTech components

    Build 6387 (version 16.0.6387) - June 29, 2017

    Adds support for detail aggregates in host capture debit transactions (PTechCharge and PTechDebit)

    Build 6386 (version 16.0.6386) - June 26, 2017

    Adds two new values for the ReversalReason property of the PTechReversal component following the latest Chase Paymentech specs. Previously supported values were 0-3 (rrNotSet, rrNoResponseFromHost, rrLateResponseFromHost, and rrUnableToDeliverToPOS, respectively). The new values added are:

    • 4 = Card declined the transaction (applicable only to EMV transactions)
    • 9 = Auth Reversal Suspected Fraud

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system.

    Impact on the version number: this change has no impact on security and / or PA-DSS requirements and consequently there is no need to increment the major version number. Furthermore, this is a minor change that does not provide sufficient enhancement of functionality or otherwise to justify a minor version increase. Therefore, the version number will remain at 16.0 (2016.0) whereas the automatically incremented build number will be 6386 (full version 16.0.6386).

    Build 6383 (version 16.0.6383) - June 23, 2017

    Exposed a new Config "IsPassengerTransport" in TSYSEcommerce component. When set to True, the transaction will be sent as a PassengerTransport transaction. Default value is False.

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system. However, if you wish to utilize the TSYSEcommerce component for processing Passenger Transport transactions you can do so by setting the "IsPassengerTransport" config to True.

    Impact on the version number: this change has no impact on security and / or PA-DSS requirements and consequently there is no need to increment the major version number. Furthermore, this is a minor change that does not provide sufficient enhancement of functionality or otherwise to justify a minor version increase. Therefore, the version number will remain at 16.0 (2016.0) whereas the automatically incremented build number will be 6383 (full version 16.0.6383).

    Build 6376 (version 16.0.6376) - June 16, 2017

    Exposed a new Config "ODG46" in TSYSDetailRecord component. ODG46 (Merchant Descriptor) is an optional non-settlement field that is used for merchant and client informational purposes. You do not need to set this config but if you wish to send it for certain transactions you may do so.

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system.

    Impact on the version number: this change has no impact on security and / or PA-DSS requirements and consequently there is no need to increment the major version number. Furthermore, this is a minor change that does not provide sufficient enhancement of functionality or otherwise to justify a minor version increase. Therefore, the version number will remain at 16.0 (2016.0) whereas the automatically incremented build number will be 6376 (full version 16.0.6376).

    Build 6326 (version 16.0.6326) - April 28, 2017

    • Adds the Passenger Transport (sitPassengerTrasnport) IndustryType for TSYS components
    • Adds a new configuration setting for G3v028: AMEX Airline Passenger Data (APD) named "AmexAirlinePassengerData". When this config is set, the industry type is sitPassengerTrasnport and card type is Amex, the G3v028 APD field will be appended to the request following the TSYS specifications.
    • Adds configs "TravelAgencyCode" and "TravelAgencyName"in TSYSSettle to set the ODG1 subfields. This ODG must be set for Visa Passenger Transport Transactions (Capture)
    • Adds configs: "RestrictedTicketIndicator", "TicketNumber", "PassengerName", "DepartureDate", "Origin", "Leg1", "Leg2", "Leg3" and "Leg4" to set the ODG9 subfields. • Adds "PassengerNumber" and "PassengerCount" property in TSYSDetailRecord component to set the ODG9 subfields. They stand for Multiple Clearing Sequence Number and Multiple Clearing Sequence Count, respectively. • When industry type is sitPassengerTransport, card type is Visa and the required ODG9 fields are set, the component builds the request accordingly, otherwise an error is thrown indicating that the card is not Visa or that the required fields are missing.

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system. However, if you wish to support Passenger Transport transactions with TSYS you can.

    Impact on the version number: this change has no impact on security and / or PA-DSS requirements and consequently there is no need to increment the major version number. A minor version increment was considered due to the fact that this new build adds support for an industry type however, we decided to not increment at this time. Therefore, the version number will remain at 16.0 (2016.0) whereas the automatically incremented build number will be 6376 (full version 16.0.6376).

    Build 6278 (version 16.0.6278) - March 20, 2017

    The last build version (16.0.6278) provides support for the following functionalities and/or is subject to the following changes, following the specifications provided by Paymentech processor:

    • Updated the test server URLs in the powershell scripts accompanying the gateway, located in the installation folder under /www.
    • Added support for RN, P1 and P2, and P8 tokens in Electronic Benefit Transfer transactions. The following configuration settings are exposed in PTechBenefit component to enable you to send these tokens, respectively:
      • POSRetrivalNumber (RN token): Merchant-generated reference number used for Reversals.
      • VendorID, SoftwareID, HardwareSerialNum (P1 token)
          • VendorID: Hardware/Vendor Identifier assigned by Paymentech at the time of certification.
          • SoftwareID: Software Identifier assigned by Paymentech at the time of certification.
          • HardwareSerialNum: Used to determine the serial number of the hardware device.



      • HostProcessingTypes (P2 token): Determines the host processing platform.
      • AllowPartialAuths, RequestBalanceInfo (P8 token)
          • AllowPartialAuths: Used to indicate whether partial authorizations are supported. Default value is ‘True’.
          • RequestBalanceInfo: Used to specify whether to request balance information. Default value is ‘False’.



      • DeviceID (DP token): Used to specify the device user, retail lane, fuel pump etc. to identify where the transaction originated from.

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system.

    Impact on the version number: this change has no impact on security and / or PA-DSS requirements and consequently there is no need to increment the major version number. Furthermore, this is a minor change that does not provide sufficient enhancement of functionality or otherwise to justify a minor version increase. Therefore, the version number will remain at 16.0 (2016.0) whereas the automatically incremented build number will be 6278 (full version 16.0.6278).

    Build 6276 (version 16.0.6276) - March 17, 2017

    The last build version (16.0.6276) provides support for the following functionalities and/or is subject to the following changes, following the specifications provided by the Global Payments processor:

      • Support swiped EMV credit and debit card transactions. Support manual EMV credit card transactions. New supported for EMVEntryDataSource configuration setting are the following:
          • 4 - EMV Swipe.
          • 5 - EMV Manual.



      • Added the Device Capability fields in the request message of credit and debit transactions following the specifications in the latest Global Payments API release. Exposed the following configuration settings:
          • PINCapable (GlobalDebit component): used to indicate if the POS device is capable of accepting PINs.
          • ContactOnly (GlobalCharge and GlobalDebit components): used to indicate if the device is only able to accept EMV chip card transactions.



      • Note that following the Global Payments specifications the EMVCapable configuration setting in GlobalCharge and GlobalDebit components must be set to ‘True’ for swiped and keyed fallback transactions. If otherwise an error will be thrown indicating you to set this value to ‘True’.
      • Added support for track1 contactless and track2 contactless transactions. New supported values:
          • 5 - edsTrack1Contactless
          • 6 - edsTrack2Contactless


        of Card.EntryDataSource property in Global Payments components are valid only for AuthOnly and Sale transactions.

    User action: No action is required from the user and no impact on your current system.

    Impact on the version number: this change has no impact on security and / or PA-DSS requirements and consequently there is no need to increment the major version number. Furthermore, this is a minor change that does not provide sufficient enhancement of functionality or otherwise to justify a minor version increase. Therefore, the version number will remain at 16.0 (2016.0) whereas the automatically incremented build number will be 6276 (full version 16.0.6276).

    Still Need Help?

    Send us an email at: support@4dpayments.com.