UPS Mail Innovations

What is UPS Mail Innovations®?

UPS Mail Innovations® is a contract service offered by UPS where UPS will pickup your package and send it to a hub for processing, then they will supply the package to the US Postal Service, or international postal service if outside US, for final delivery.

You can find more information on the UPS Mail Innovations® website

Is UPS Mail Innovations® Supported in 4D Shipping?

Yes, we have added support for Mail Innovations® in 4D Shipping V5.

How to Use UPS Mail Innovations® with 4D Shipping?

US Domestic Shipments

To use UPS Mail Innovations® you must specify the following information:

  • The service type, valid values are as follows, note that UPS will not return rates for these types:
    • UPS Expedited Mail Innovations (stUPSExpeditedMailInnovations)
    • UPS First-Class Mail (stUPSFirstClass)
    • UPS Priority Mail (stUPSPriorityMail)
  • Sender contact and address information
  • Recipient contact and address information
  • Package details. Note that UPS Mail Innovations® does not allow multi-package shipments, also only certain package types are valid for a particular service type. These have all been listed in the documentation.
  • The Mail Innovations Cost Center and Mail Innovations PackageID must be specified using the MICostCenterconfiguration setting. The Mail Innovations cost Center is a customer assigned identifier for report and billing summarization, it will display to the right of the Cost Center title.
  • The Mail Innovations PackageID must be specified using the MIPackageID configuration setting. The Mail Innovations PackageID is a customer assigned unique piece identifier that returns visibility events, such as tracking.

With the above information provided and assuming you have a contract with UPS to use UPS Mail Innovations®, you should be able to get a shipping label for your package

Here is an example of how to use UPS Mail Innovations® with 4D Shipping:

Upsship upsship = new Upsship(); upsship.UPSAccount.Server = ""; upsship.UPSAccount.AccessKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; upsship.UPSAccount.UserId = "xxxxxxx"; upsship.UPSAccount.Password = "xxxxxxx"; upsship.UPSAccount.AccountNumber = "xxxxxx"; upsship.ServiceType = ServiceTypes.stUPSPriorityMail; upsship.LabelImageType = UpsshipLabelImageTypes.uitGIF; upsship.SenderContact.Company = "sender company"; upsship.SenderContact.FirstName = "John"; upsship.SenderContact.LastName = "Doe"; upsship.SenderContact.Phone = "9195447070"; upsship.SenderAddress.Address1 = "5007 Southpark Drive"; upsship.SenderAddress.Address2 = "Suite 240"; upsship.SenderAddress.City = "Durham"; upsship.SenderAddress.State = "NC"; upsship.SenderAddress.ZipCode = "27713"; upsship.RecipientContact.Company = "recipient company"; upsship.RecipientContact.FirstName = "Jane"; upsship.RecipientContact.LastName = "Smith"; upsship.RecipientContact.Phone = "0000000000"; upsship.RecipientAddress.Address1 = "4 New York Plaza"; upsship.RecipientAddress.City = "New York"; upsship.RecipientAddress.State = "NY"; upsship.RecipientAddress.ZipCode = "10004"; upsship.Packages.Add(new PackageDetail()); upsship.Packages[0].PackagingType = TPackagingTypes.ptPriority; upsship.Packages[0].ShippingLabelFile = "..\\..\\temp\\shipping_label.gif"; upsship.Packages[0].Length = 20; upsship.Packages[0].Width = 20; upsship.Packages[0].Height = 10; upsship.Packages[0].Weight = "26.0"; upsship.Config("MICostCenter=NSOFT123"); upsship.Config("MIPackageID=NSOFT456"); upsship.GetShipmentLabels();

International Shipment

To use UPS Mail Innovations® you must specify the following information:

  • The service type, valid values are as follows, note that UPS will not return rates for these types:
    • UPS Priority Mail Innovations (stUPSPriorityMailInnovations)
    • UPS Economy Mail Innovations (stUPSEconomyMailInnovations)
  • Sender contact and address information
  • Recipient contact and address information
  • Package details. Note that UPS Mail Innovations® does not allow multi-package shipments, also only the following packaging types are applicable for international shipments:
    • Flats (ptFlats)
    • Parcels (ptParcels)
    • Bound and Printed Matter (ptBPM)
  • The Mail Innovations Cost Center and Mail Innovations PackageID must be specified using the MICostCenterconfiguration setting. The Mail Innovations cost Center is a customer assigned identifier for report and billing summarization, it will display to the right of the Cost Center title.
  • The Mail Innovations PackageID must be specified using the MIPackageID configuration setting. The Mail Innovations PackageID is a customer assigned unique piece identifier that returns visibility events, such as tracking.
  • The commodities for the package
  • The details for any customs forms that are required for this shipment

With the above information provided and assuming you have a contract with UPS to use UPS Mail Innovations®, you should be able to get a shipping label for your package

Here is an example of how to use UPS Mail Innovations® with 4D Shipping:

Upsshipintl upsshipintl = new Upsshipintl(); upsshipintl.UPSAccount.Server = ""; upsshipintl.UPSAccount.AccessKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; upsshipintl.UPSAccount.UserId = "xxxxxxx"; upsshipintl.UPSAccount.Password = "xxxxxxx"; upsshipintl.UPSAccount.AccountNumber = "xxxxxx"; upsshipintl.ServiceType = ServiceTypes.stUPSPriorityMail; upsshipintl.LabelImageType = UpsshipLabelImageTypes.uitGIF; upsshipintl.SenderContact.Company = "sender company"; upsshipintl.SenderContact.FirstName = "John"; upsshipintl.SenderContact.LastName = "Doe"; upsshipintl.SenderContact.Phone = "9195447070"; upsshipintl.SenderAddress.Address1 = "5007 Southpark Drive"; upsshipintl.SenderAddress.Address2 = "Suite 240"; upsshipintl.SenderAddress.City = "Durham"; upsshipintl.SenderAddress.State = "NC"; upsshipintl.SenderAddress.ZipCode = "27713"; upsshipintl.RecipientContact.FirstName = "TEST"; upsshipintl.RecipientContact.LastName = "ACCOUNT & such"; upsshipintl.RecipientContact.Company = "3M CANADA, INC."; upsshipintl.RecipientContact.Phone = "123456789"; upsshipintl.RecipientAddress.Address1 = "Oude Bann 75"; upsshipintl.RecipientAddress.Address2 = "Suite 240"; upsshipintl.RecipientAddress.City = "Wilrijk"; upsshipintl.RecipientAddress.CountryCode = "BE"; upsshipintl.RecipientAddress.ZipCode = "2610"; upsshipintl.Commodities.Add(new CommodityDetail()); upsshipintl.Commodities[0].Description = "Description #1"; upsshipintl.Commodities[0].Weight = "1.0"; upsshipintl.Commodities[0].Quantity = 1; upsshipintl.Commodities[0].QuantityUnit = "EA"; upsshipintl.Commodities[0].NumberOfPieces = 1; upsshipintl.Commodities[0].ScheduleBCode = "1111111111"; // required when requesting SED upsshipintl.Commodities[0].HarmonizedCode = "111.111.111"; // required when requesting NAFTA upsshipintl.Commodities.Add(new CommodityDetail()); upsshipintl.Commodities[1].Description = "Description #2"; upsshipintl.Commodities[1].Weight = "2.0"; upsshipintl.Commodities[1].Quantity = 2; upsshipintl.Commodities[1].QuantityUnit = "EA"; upsshipintl.Commodities[1].NumberOfPieces = 2; upsshipintl.Commodities[1].ScheduleBCode = "2222222222"; // required when requesting SED upsshipintl.Commodities[1].HarmonizedCode = "222.222.222"; // required when requesting NAFTA upsshipintl.Commodities.Add(new CommodityDetail()); upsshipintl.Commodities[2].Description = "Description #3"; upsshipintl.Commodities[2].Weight = "3.0"; upsshipintl.Commodities[2].Quantity = 3; upsshipintl.Commodities[2].QuantityUnit = "EA"; upsshipintl.Commodities[2].NumberOfPieces = 3; upsshipintl.Commodities[2].ScheduleBCode = "3333333333"; // required when requesting SED upsshipintl.Commodities[2].HarmonizedCode = "333.333.333"; // required when requesting NAFTA upsshipintl.Packages.Add(new PackageDetail()); upsshipintl.Packages[0].PackagingType = TPackagingTypes.ptPriority; upsshipintl.Packages[0].ShippingLabelFile = "..\\..\\temp\\shipping_label.gif"; upsshipintl.Packages[0].Length = 20; upsshipintl.Packages[0].Width = 20; upsshipintl.Packages[0].Height = 10; upsshipintl.Packages[0].Weight = "26.0"; upsshipintl.Config("MICostCenter=NSOFT123"); upsshipintl.Config("MIPackageID=NSOFT456"); upsshipintl.GetShipmentLabels();

We appreciate your feedback. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this entry please contact our support team at